Drone Inspections

Drone Inspections

Drone Inspections for Industrial & Commercial across Bay of Plenty & New Zealand

No scaffolding or ropes

Drone technology is cheaper, safer and more reliable than traditional methods such as scaffolding, cherry-pickers and ropes. It's also quicker and less labour intensive. We will bring everything we need and be out of your way that same day.

Detect hidden problems

We use cutting-edge technologies to detect problems that would otherwise be invisible. These include ultra-HD photography/video, LIDAR and thermal.

No traffic disruption

Downtime is expensive, unpopular and inconvenient. Using a drone, we can conduct a thorough survey with little to no downtime.


The safety of your personnel and our own is paramount, and we place it at the forefront of our company culture. Ask us about our OSH systems and practices.

No risk to your assets

Our equipment won't touch or even go close to your assets. Our high-resolution cameras use optical zoom to give extreme close-up views while staying a safe distance away.

Rapid response

Need us there in a hurry? No problem. Let us know what you need, and we can be there on the same day. After all, sometimes the problem just won't wait.

How Does It Work?

1. Reach out and tell us your idea

We take emails, phone calls, messages, everything! If you are unsure of what’s possible we are happy to advise, the most important thing is to get in touch. We would be delighted to answer any questions you may have.

2. Start at the end

With drones, it’s best to begin where you want to end up. What sort of deliverable would you like when it’s all finished? If you are not sure then we can advise. We can look at what you would like and work backwards from there.

3. Scope of work and set a price

Once we have agreed on what is to be done, the scope of work is set and a price is agreed upon. We feel it is vital that everyone knows what they are getting and what they are paying for it. There should be no confusion.

4. Permits and other paperwork

Once we have confirmation you are happy to proceed, we start the ball rolling. We organise things like RAMS, site permits, Air Traffic Control clearance and much more. Basically, we generate everything needed to turn up on-site with all our ducks in a row

5. Field Operations

Next, we do the work on site. We have the gear, we have the know-how, so now it’s time to get the job done. This can sometimes be affected by the weather, but for the most part, we get the job done on the date specified.

6. Post Processing

This is where we take what we generated in the field and turn it into a final deliverable for you. This can be anything from the raw data itself, to fully processed orthophotos, condition reports, CAD line work or thermal imagery.

7. Handover

The final step is the handover of the deliverables. We tend to use a cloud-based service, so you can access your data anywhere. We can also tie into your existing systems if that is more convenient.

Drone photography for farm management
Contour Farm Mapping waikato
Drone Inspection

Drone inspections are quick, safe and require little to no downtime. What’s more, they’re highly versatile, with applications across many different industries. Here are just some of the assets which we are now using drones to inspect.
